Meet the Developers
J. Scott Fraser is a clinical psychologist with a career path of nearly forty years of clinical practice, supervision and training in clinical practice and in academics. Receiving his doctorate in clinical psychology in 1976, he served as clinical director of a hospital-based crisis and brief therapy center within community mental health for fourteen years. Over the past twenty-four years, he has served as director of internship training, associate dean and director of clinical training, and as professor of clinical psychology in the nationally ranked and pioneering doctoral program at the School of Professional Psychology at the Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. A recipient of the school’s teaching award, he recently retired and was appointed the status of Professor Emeritus within the University. He is a Diplomat in Family Therapy through the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP), and an approved supervisor in the founders’ track of the American Association for Marital and Family Therapy (AAMFT).
A protégé of Paul Watzlawick and John Weakland of the Mental Research Institute’s Brief Therapy Center in Palo Alto, California, Scott has written, supervised, and taught systems approaches to crisis intervention and brief therapy, family therapy, and psychotherapy integration throughout his career. A strong presenter and clear writer, the audio recordings of Scott’s panel presentations with John Weakland and Steve de Shazer, and later with Insoo Kim Berg and Richard Fisch were noted as best sellers from their respective conferences of the AAMFT. His classic article comparing the bases of structural and strategic therapy was republished as one of the most influential articles in family therapy in 1982, as was his article comparing strategic and solution focused therapies reprinted and translated into German in 1997. Scott has presented and trained therapists in the United States, Europe and Asia over the course of his long career.
Scott’s most recent writing focuses on integrating evidence-based approaches to both marital and family therapy as well as to psychotherapy in general. The treatment manual, Integrative families and systems treatment (I-FAST): A strengths-based common factors approach (Fraser, Grove, Lee, Greene and Solovey, 2014) represents the first preliminarily researched manual for teaching and practicing a moderated common factors approach to at-risk youth and families in community settings. His related book, Second-order change in psychotherapy: The golden thread that unifies effective treatments (Fraser & Solovey, 2006) extends this integrative model across all evidence-supported approaches to psychotherapy. Scott is currently continuing to write, train, and supervise through these models.
Mr. Grove is a Licensed Independent Social Worker, Supervisor designation and a Licensed Independent Marriage and Family therapist in the State of Ohio. In addition to his licenses, Mr. Grove is also a Supervisory member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy. Since 2000, Mr. Grove has been a principal developer and trainer of Integrated Family and Systems Treatment. Mr. Grove participated in both the development of the treatment model and in the dissemination of the model in the United States and in Hong Kong. As a principal trainer of I-FAST, Mr. Grove has trained seven different mental health and social service agencies in the U.S. and Hong Kong.
Since 1997, Mr. Grove has been a part time and full time instructor for The College of Social Work at The Ohio State University. He has taught courses on Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Crisis Intervention, In-Home Treatment, and Psychopathology to graduate students in the Masters of Social Work program. Mr. Grove has also published numerous articles and books in the field of mental health and family therapy. He has published two books, “Invisible Men’ and “Conversations On Therapy” co-authored with Jay Haley, one of the founders of the field of family therapy.
In addition to offering agencies training in I-FAST, Mr. Grove has also offered clinical consultation to numerous mental health and social service agencies throughout Midwestern U.S. since 1992. Mr. Grove has also maintained a private practice in Westerville, Ohio since 1989, where he offers therapy to individuals, couples, families, children, adolescents and adults.
After receiving his Masters degree in Social Work from The Ohio State University in 1983, Mr. Grove pursued post graduate training at The Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C., under the instruction of Jay Haley and Cloe’ Madanes both leaders in the field of family therapy. Mr. Grove received five years of training at The Family Therapy Institute which included training as both a therapist and supervisor of therapists.
After completing his training at the Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C., Mr. Grove continued to consult with Jay Haley and collaborate with him on writing projects for an additional five years. One of these projects focused on men in therapy and culminated with the publication of Mr. Grove’s second book, “Invisible Men”. In 1992, Mr. Grove was made a Regional Faculty of the Family Therapy Institute of Washington, D.C. As a regional faculty, Mr. Grove offered training in Strategic Family Therapy throughout the U.S.
Mo Yee Lee, PhD is Professor of Social Work at the College of Social Work of The Ohio State University. She received her MSW from UCLA, Ph.D. from The University of Toronto; and her clinical training at the C. M. Hincks Institute at Toronto, and the Brief Family Therapy Center at Milwaukee with late Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer. Her expertise is primarily in the area of practice and intervention research using a solution-focused, strengths-based perspective and an integrative/holistic approach. She co-leads the development and evaluation of Integrative Family & Systems Treatment (I-FAST). Her practice and research focus on I-FAST, domestic violence issues, meditation and treatment of female trauma survivors, an integrative body-mind-spirit approach to clinical practice, and culturally competent social work practice.
In addition to co-authoring the book Integrative Families and Systems Treatment (I-FAST): A strengths-based common factors approach; she has published two books on solution-focused brief therapy: Solution-focused treatment with domestic violence offenders: Accountability for change (co-authored with Adraina Uken and John Sebold), 2003; and Solution-Oriented Social Work: A Practice Approach to Working with Client Strengths (co-authored with Dr. Gilbert J. Greene), 2011. Her other works include Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work: An empirically based approach to assessment and treatment, 2009; and Culturally Competent Research: Using Ethnography as a Meta-Framework, 2013; all books were published by The Oxford University Press. Dr. Lee is the recipient of 2008 Insoo Kim Berg Award for Innovative Research and Application of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy. Dr. Lee is also the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work.
Dr. Lee has extenisive training and program evaluation experience on I-FAST and solution-focused brief therapy in US and Asia.
Gilbert J. Greene, Ph.D., LISW-S
Dr. Gilbert “Gil” Greene received his MSW in 1974 from University of Tennessee and his Ph.D. in social work in 1984 from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. He currently is a Full Professor in the College of Social Work at The Ohio State University. Previously he had faculty positions in the Schools of Social Work at Michigan State University and the University of Iowa. Gil teaches courses on clinical social work with individuals, couples, families, brief therapy, and crisis intervention and trauma treatment. He is a member of the Academy of Certified Social Workers and a Clinical Member of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. He conducts research and scholarship on clinical social work practice with individuals, groups, couples, and families. He has authored or co-authored numerous journal articles, book chapters and books on various aspects of clinical social work practice. He is especially interested in brief therapy, couples and family therapy, and strengths-based approaches to therapy. Gil was co-editor of the first edition of Social Workers’ Desk Reference published by Oxford University Press in 2002 and is co-author with Dr. Mo Yee Lee of the book Solution-Oriented Social Work Practice: An Integrative Approach to Working with Client Strengths published by Oxford University Press in January, 2011. He continues to be actively involved in clinical social work practice, consultation, supervision, and training.
Andrew Solovey, ACSW, LISW-S
Andy is a behavioral health therapist in private practice at Solutions Counseling in Dublin, Ohio. He had more than 30 years of experience in community mental health and spent more than 25 of those years in executive management. While in community mental health, he developed a highly respected clinical training program and directed it for over 30 years. In addition to his work at Scioto Paint, Andy was an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at The Ohio State University School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry.
Andy has a diverse background and has worked with many client populations over his 38-year career. He has provided psychotherapy to adults, children and adolescents with severe mental and emotional disorders. He has worked in the substance abuse field and has provided psychotherapy in a medical rehabilitation setting. Andy has had extensive training in family therapy. He taught “Brief Strategic Therapy” as a senior faculty member at the Dayton Institute for Family Therapy. Andy co-authored, “Changing the Rules: A Client Directed Approach to Therapy” in 1992 and has co-authored many journal articles. He more recently co-authored “Second-order change in psychotherapy: The golden thread that unites effective treatments”, with Scott Fraser, Ph.D. The release date was September 16, 2006. Andy is very interested in the phenomenon of change and the importance of client determination in the change process. He was involved with his colleagues in the development and implementation of I-FAST. Andy instituted I-FAST at Scioto Paint Valley Mental Health Center, one of the original test sites.
He has given many workshops on the process of change throughout Ohio and the United States.