Training And Consultation

I-FAST Training Philosophy

The I-FAST training philosophy is organized around four principles:

1:  Empowerment

2:  Affordability

3:  Flexibility

4:  Sustainability


Once certified, I-FAST belongs to the agency.  If certified as an I-FAST agency, agencies are empowered to use I-FAST with minimal involvement with I-FAST trainers and potentially no future costs.  When certified, the agencies are free to negotiate contracts offering I-FAST services to stakeholders and train additional agency staff in I-FAST.  


I-FAST seeks to be cost friendly in as many ways as is possible.  The cost of I-FAST is not prohibitive and can often be paid for within existing funding streams within community mental health.  Once certified, agencies have no future cost obligations to I-FAST.  The training programs are organized with sensitivity paid to staff productivity demands and seek to minimize the impact on billable activities.


As a model I-FAST is designed to be flexible enough to have wide applicability.  It can be applied to the full range of child mental health problems.  With wide applicability comes the possibility of agencies adapting I-FAST in unique ways to each agency culture, staff and clients.  As an integrative model, I-FAST provides the flexibility to utilize clinician’s existing skills as much as possible.  The model can be adapted to a wide range of clinical styles and skill sets.  


I-FAST operates primarily from a train-the-trainer model.  Agency Supervisors receive the most intense training and become the I-FAST champions within each agency.  This allows for long term sustainability of I-FAST within each agency.  Setbacks due to staff turnover and additional costs to train new staff are minimized by having agency I-FAST supervisors assume a trainer role within the agency. 


I-FAST Training Options

We offer a range of training options for agencies and individuals interested in learning I-FAST:

Option One: 

Read our manual.  For those interested in learning about the I-FAST treatment philosophy and treatment steps our manual offers an outline of the I-FAST treatment model.   Link to Purchase at bottom of page.

Fraser, S., Grove, D., Lee, M.Y., Greene,G. J., & Solovey, A. (2014).  Integrative Families and Systems Treatment (I-FAST): A strengths-based common factors approach. New York: Oxford University Press.   

Option Two: 

Practitioner level Training.  Individual practitioners may join a two-hour, bi-monthly, 6-person training/consultation  group lasting 6 or 12 months with the 4 manual co-authors rotating quarterly. Both manuals are included, as are practice guides, and past session video access to allow flexibility. Training is done through  Zoom.   


Option Three:

Two All Day Seminars.  For agencies and organizations to learn a more detailed and intensive introduction to I-FAST we recommend scheduling our two all day seminar series.    Live remote learning via Zoom or in person onsite training for both days.  12 CE's are available for Ohio Counselors and Licensed Social workers if you are a CE provider.  Travel costs for onsite training would apply.  Training materials and Manuals   

Option Four: 

Individualized Agency Training Package:  For agencies interested in training staff to attain a competency in doing the I-FAST model, an individualized training package can be constructed to meet the specific needs of the agency.  The package would include the Two Day Seminar series along with a one year period of case consultation trainings.  Please contact us for a specific quote for your training needs.  We offer in person and virtual trainings.  

Option Five: 

Agency Certification:  For agencies wishing to use the I-FAST name with stakeholders and negotiate contracts to provide I-FAST services the training package which ends with Agency Certification in I-FAST is required.  Please contact us for a specific quote and details.

Option Six: 

Agency Certification and Outcome Evaluation:  For agencies wishing certification and a program evaluation component the certification package plus an I-FAST data analysis package is recommended.  Please inquire about specific data outcome measures.

In general, training costs to implement I-FAST at the agency certification level range between $20,000 and $25,000 per team of 14 which includes two supervisors.

For detailed information on the training options, please contact us at


Agency Program Implementation and Development Consultation: We are able to provide detailed agency specific consultation to assist program directors and other key staff with items such as stakeholder identification and buy-in, cultivation of referral sources, agency documentation, marketing, collaboration with Managed Care Organizations (MCO's), service array billing options, exploration of shared funding opportunities, staffing level considerations, and the ability to work directly with agency staff to ensure billable language and treatment planning considerations when documenting ongoing I-FAST services.  Please contact us at to discuss your agency's needs.